The Road to (Legal) Woes is Paved with Good Intentions

The Road to (Legal) Woes is Paved with Good Intentions


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Published: 2/23/2021

Most collectors know they need to show consumers respect and honesty.  When possible, it's also nice to promote a friendly conversation. That often increases the consumer's experience, which promotes recovery. When doing so, collectors may dip into the pool of casual conversation and may cross the line of compliance.

Kelli Krueger and Dennis Barton will identify common phrases used by collectors when attempting to relate to consumers and have a more conversational tone. They will then address compliance issues resulting from this well-intended strategy. Potential violations are far more common than many owners and managers expect.

This hot topic will help the audience avoid potential lawsuits and recommend compliant and effective methods collectors can utilize to build a stronger connection with consumers.


Dennis Barton III, Owner and Managing Attorney, The Barton Law Group, LLC, Chesterfield, MO

Kelli Krueger, Education Director, ACA International, Cedar Falls, IA